Weird times.
It was hard to focus on work this past week due to the uncertainties brought by the result of the Brazilian elections. The second round of voting is only by the end of the month, and I doubt I’ll be my most productive self before then. Still, I finished a new page last week, and I’m really happy with how it turned out. I’m happier with how my brother’s pages are turning out, to be honest, and I’m looking forward to how our story together will evolve from now on.
I finish some work today and decided to sketch a little more, having already done the boot on my sketchbook to warm up earlier as I arrived in the studio. I decided to keep up with the booth themed images and sketched a girl to wear it.
On this early stage, I want to get the pose right. Everything else can shift to any direction at this point. What kind of hair will she have? What length, and what color? What about the shape of her eyes, or her nose, or her mouth?
Will I resist making her hair red as I often do with most of the drawings of girls I fill my sketchbook with?
The Pentel Pocket brush pen was the weapon of choice for the inked piece. Not as accurate as the real brush, but fast, and I wanted to move fast and retain as much control over the line as I could. An image with these many curves and folds presents a lot of happy accidents when it comes to inking it with a brush-like tool. You can’t predict which lines will be bolder, which will be thiner. I like this kind of inking because it screams “made by hand”.
As I type these last words of this letter, my brother comes back from picking his daughter up at school and taking her home. Our third shift of the day is about to begin, and I realize this sketch will remain black and white for the time being. I hope to come back to it someday, maybe this week, maybe in the next one, and maybe only in my dreams.
Be safe. Be kind. Be curious.
Fábio Moon
Moon Base, São Paulo
October 10th, 2022