I am intensely curious and interested in story. Everywhere I go, wherever I look, whatever I read, watch or listen, I look for the stories in it. As my days go by and I’m driving or biking to work, I hear (or I create, rather) in my read the possible stories of every corner of the streets, and of every house in-between those corners, and of every person in front or inside those houses. Even before I get out of the house, as I’m waking up and making breakfast, I imagine the stories behind my neighbours’ early noises, and the stories of the street cats that rule my street, and of my bunnies who wait, sometimes in the garden, sometimes right in front of the kitchen door, for the first meal of the day. I do most of my activities without listening to music so I can focus on looking for the stories in what I can see and hear around me, because if I listened to music, I would inevitably look for the stories in the melodies, in the instruments, in the lyrics and in the memories I have regarding each song.
As life goes on and the days go by, I’m thinking about story, and creating, inside my mind. Most of my creative process is like that, part of this inner world that’s always bubbling, boiling, cooking. And, for as long as I can remember, I have used the internet, in one way or the other, as a window so that I can show pieces of this inner world out there, for everyone to see.
I’m a shy, closed person, and yet sometimes online I open up, I put down the defense walls, and I share.
Because of this pandemic times we’re living, with still a good bunch of people having to stay inside for safety measures, I decided to share a little more, to show some art being created as it is created, live, and to open a line of communication with the audience, asking some questions, answering other ones, and talking. Almost every Monday (like the day this letter will be posted), I’ve been doing live drawings online, 10am EST on Instagram, and 7pm EST on Twitch.
If you’re interested in all this inner world talk, maybe you’ll stop by my lives and see it being created in front of your eyes. It doesn’t always make sense, but I think it’s nice.
Be safe. Be kind. Be curious
Fábio Moon
Moon Base, São Paulo
August 23rd, 2021
One's inner world can be infinite and knows no real bounds... the same could be said about the outer world.
I'm not sure if you're into Myers Briggs and you sound like an INFP.
My only gripe with those twitch drawing sessions is that you're mostly speaking in brazilian. Obviously, that's your mother tongue, and it's still great to watch you draw! But I just wish I could understand what you were saying lmao