Here I am, on my way back home. I left São Paulo last week in a really cold and rainy day and arrived in the boiling hot Texas weather and, after a week of high temperatures in both Houston and Austin, it seems I was the only person happy with the heat. Of course, people at the hotel pool didn’t mind all the sun they could get to work on their tans — and the pool at the Fairmont in Austin was always bubbling with people, from bachelorette parties to labor day private biquini party craziness —, but for most of the time I was walking around town, or inside a convention or comic book store, surrounded by fans, artists and other pop culture celebrities. (I did enjoy every second I spent swimming at the pools of both hotels).
I’m glad that it seems warmer weather is waiting for me back home.
Inking is sexy
Out of artistic curiosity, I asked Terry Moore in Houston if he had any pencil drawings lying around and what he thought about me possibly inking it just for fun. Lucky for me, since he had just finished drawing Parker Girls, he had enough time to draw something specially for me, and then he had a great idea:
“We could offer it to a charity maybe?’, he suggested.
I inked the drawing in Austin between commissions. Like me, Terry leaves a lot of artistic decisions for the inking stage, so I had some thinking to do. I added a few details to the background, with special detail to the guy’s arms and hands. Is this guy Freddie? Both Bá and I thought it was, and I wondered if a guy making that face wouldn’t be raising his wolf-like claw hands, craving what he was seeing. I also spent a lot of time figuring out the foldings of Francine’s skirt.
I made another drawing related to this one. I started sketching it at the Bedrock City Comics Store, in case I had a lot of free time in a Tuesday afternoon signing. As the signing filled up, I realized I would also have to finish this drawing in Austin, which I did, and the extra three days thinking about the poses and the face expressions and the dialogue made the difference in my original idea.
Terry’s drawing is on its way back to Houston, and I’ll post the details of the chosen charity when I get them. I might mess around with my other drawing, maybe throw some watercolors over it.
I had fun in Austin. I didn’t get to see and do all the things people recommended just so I have reasons to get back. I hung out with one my best friends a lot, and we had fun. As always, the Galaxy Con crew treated me very well, and everyone at the show was lovely.
I’m writing this seating at the Austin airport. I just heard the boarding of my plane changed gates for a third time, so I better stand up and figure out the new gate. I miss home, and I miss broadcasting the incredible new things I’m doing from my studio, and I have a plane to catch.
See you around, beautiful people.
Be safe. Be kind. Be curious.
Fábio Moon
Moon Base on the road, Austin
September 4th, 2023
Usou mesa de luz (como, na convenção?!) para esta arte final ou foi direto sobre o desenho?